content starts below.

Android 11 and Kodi

Google's Android 11, and Amazon's Fire OS 8.1 implement "Scoped Storage" which removes the ability of the adb program to access /sdcard/Android/data/.

This has the unfortunate side-effect of preventing adblink from accessing Kodi's data located at /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi. This means no backup/restore, no cloning, no edit of xml files, etc.

Luckily, Kodi allows us to relocate its data to an accessible location. If adblink determines that the file location /sdcard/Android/data is sandboxed it will instruct Kodi to look for its data at /sdcard/kodi_data/ via the text file /sdcard/ file which adblink will create. Kodi will read this file at startup to determine its data's location.

Additionally, when restoring a backup to a Android 11 device, adblink will set the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to "allow" which will permit Kodi to read the file at startup. Otherwise Kodi is not permitted to access local files outside of its sandbox.

If you need to grant or revoke the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission manually, you can do this for Kodi or any app via adblink's Utility menu function: "Set app permissions" seen in the dialog above.

If your device has upgraded to Android 11, your existing Kodi data (/sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi) is now sandboxed and adblink will not be able to access it. You will need to restore an existing Kodi backup, which adblink will place in its new location at /sdcard/kodi_data/org.xbmc.kodi/). To regain the wasted space used by the sandboxed data, use Android settings to wipe Kodi data at /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi.
